Curriculum Vitae

PhD March 2001
Department of Zoology, University of Otago, Dunedin, New Zealand 
Thesis title: Ecological roles of crayfish (koura; Paranephrops zealandicus) in New Zealand stream commnities
Supervisor: Prof. Colin TOWNSEND

MSc March 1995
Graduate School of Earth Environmental Science, Hokkaido University, Japan
Supervisors: Dr. NAKANO Shigeru & Prof. TODA Masanori

BSc March 1992
Faculty of Fisheries, Hokkaido University, Japan
Supervisors: Dr. NAKAYA Kunihiro & Dr. YABE Mamoru

Academic Positions

Associate Professor (September 2013-Present)
Center for Nature and Environmental Technology
Kanazawa University, Kanazawa, Japan.

Associate Professor (April 2010-August 2013)
Center for Toki and Ecological Restoration (CTER)
Niigata University, Sado, Japan.

Associate Professor (December 2009-August 2013)
Toki Project
Center for Transdisciplinary Research
Niigata University, Niigata, Japan.

Research Scientist (April 2006- November 2009)
Center for Environmental Risk Research, National Institute for Environmental Studies, Tukuba, Japan.

Postdoctoral Fellow (April 2004- March 2006)
Biodiversity Conservation Research Project Group, National Institute for Environmental Studies, Tukuba, Japan.

Visiting scholar (June 2001- July 2002)
Department of Fisheries and Wildlife Biology, Colorado State University, Fort Collins, Colorado, USA. 

Japan Society of the Promotion of Science (JSPS) Postdoctoral Fellow (April 2001- March 2004)
Field Science Center for Northern Biosphere, Hokkaido University, Sapporo, Japan


Research and Education Awards

Best Oral Presentation
Usio N Effects of different wildlife-friendly farming practises and surrounding land use on aquatic macro-invertebrate diversity in a Japanese GIAHS site. The 7th EAFES International Congress, Daegu, Korea.

Best Poster Presentation (co-supervised student's paper)
Chidani H, Usio N, Takamura N & Yamamuro M. Are turtle predators effective in controlling the invasive red swamp crayfish? Ecological Society for Japan Conference, Tokyo, Japan (In Japanese).

13th Denzaburo Miyadi Award
(For outstanding contribution in Ecology)
Ecological Society of Japan

Best Poster Presentation (co-supervised student's paper)
Matsuzaki SS, Usio N, Takamura N & Washitani I. Changes in ecosystem states in response to introductions of domesticated common carp.The 22nd Symposium of the Society of Population Ecology, Katayamatsu, Kaga, Japan.

Runner-up Oral Presentation
Usio N & Townsend CR. Roles of New Zealand crayfish: consequences of predation and bioturbation for stream invertebrates. Joint annual conference of the New Zealand Limnological Society and Australian Society of Limnologty, Dunedin, New Zealand

Scholarships & Fellowships

2001- 2004
JSPS postdoctoral Fellowship

1997, 1999-2001
University of Otago Scholarship

Rotary International Scholarship

Grants & Contracts (2008-present)

Title: Using biodiversity of Satoayama-satoumi to establish sustainable wildlife-friendly farming
Role: Principal researcher
Grant: KAKENHI (B) (Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research)
Funding agency: MEXT

Title: Identifying factors affecting personality in the secondary spread of an invasive crayfish
Role: Principal researcher
Grant: KAKENHI (C) (Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research)
Funding agency: MEXT

Title: Effects of different natural cultivation history on arthropod diversity in paddy fields
Role: Principal researcher
Grant: Collaboration research
Funding agency: Hakui City

Programme: Assessment of biota on Sado Island
Role: Contributed researcher (Freshwater Crustacea)
Grant: Sponsored research
Funding agency: Sado City

Research title: Developing risk assessment methods for invasive crayfish on the basis of genetic and phenotypic traits
Role: Principal researcher
Grant: Kakenhi (C) (Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research)
Funding agency: MEXT 

Programme: Sizen-saiseigaku Kouza (Ecological Restoration Programme)
Role: Team leader
Grant: Donation programme
Funding agency: Sado City

Programme: Toki-no-sima Kankyo-saisei Leader Yousei Unit (Restoration Leader Training Programme on Sado Island)
Role: Contributed lecturer
Grant name: Strategic Funds for the Promotion of Science and Technology
Funding agency: Japan Science and Technology Agency (JST)

Research title: Developing management methods for biodiversity in Satoti
Role: Principal researcher
Grant: Start-up research grant
Funding agency: CTER, Niigata University

Research title: Assessing biodiversity in paddy fields
Role: Principal researcher
Grant: Research Promotion Grant
Funding agency: Niigata University

Research title: Interdisciplinary studies on conservation of freshwater ecosystems
Role: Contributed researcher (Principal Researcher: Dr. Noriko Takamura)
Grant: Kakenhi (B) (Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research)
Funding agency: MEXT

Research title: Developing risk assessment methods for invasive crayfish on the basis of genetic and phenotypic traits
Role: Principal researcher
Grant: Kakenhi (C) (Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research)
Funding agency: MEXT

Title: Construction of mesocosms for ecological experiments
Role: Principal researcher
Grant: NIES Infrastructure development grant
Funding agency: National Institute for Environmental Studies

Professional Activities

Member of Sado City Environmental Advisor (2010-present)
Member of the Development and Promotion of Sado City Social-ecological Restoration Committee (2011-present)
Member of Sado City Red Data Book Preparation Committee (2012-present)
Associate Editor of the journal Limnology (2011-present)

Professional Affiliations

Ecological Society of Japan
The Japanese Society of Limnology
The Japanese Society of Irrigation, Drainage and Rural Engineering
Ecology and Civil Engineering
The Carcinological Society of Japan

 Nisikawa Usio
Freshwater Ecology, Conservation & Ecological Restoration
 “ú–{Œê / English
Updated 7.25.16